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3 人 の クリスマス

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Meet UV LCD technology. In DLP machines the speed is constant but precision decreases when workspace usage grows. Pin On Mechatronics Projects ANYCUBIC Water Washable Resin 3D Printer Resin with Low Viscosity and Fast Printing 405nm High Precision UV-Curing 3D Resin Low. . SLA and DLP are traditional resin 3D printing technologies. An SLA printer works at constant precision but the more of its workspace is used the more it slows down. ANYCUBIC Wash and Cure Plus Largest 2 in 1 Wash Cure Machine for Mono X Large LCD SLA 3D Printer Models with L-Shaped Strip Curing Light Rotary Curing Platform and Washing Size 192mmx 120mmx 290mm. Zortrax UV LCD maintains both high speed and precision at all times.